Wednesday, January 17, 2007

On being a Rocky virgin

Last night, Mark and I went to see the new Rocky movie with our friend Bex, with whom we box. It was my first time watching a Rocky movie, and I was pretty excited since I can now appreciate boxing for the athleticism, skill and stamina required rather than seeing it as merely a violent beating.

My only previous experience with Rocky has been listening to Eye of the Tiger and glancing at the movie posters on the walls of our boxing training class (one poster is of Rocky at the speed bag, for which our coach told us not to mimic Rocky's form because it is so bad). So I am completely unfamiliar with Rocky's story line, musical score included.

In this new film, once things finally get rolling and Rocky's training like a fool, this awesome soundtrack comes on that sounds kinda familiar, like maybe I heard it once before somewhere. Since it has a distinctly '70s/'80s sound to it, I figure it must be a carryover from the previous films. So I lean over to Mark, and ask him, "is this song from the original movie?". In the dark theatre, it looked like he gave me an incredulous/scathing look, and says, "This is the Rocky theme!!!". I reply, "Oh, I thought the theme was Eye of the Tiger." Later, Rebecca tells me she is embarrassed for me for having asked that question.

If I ever go to Philly, I'm bringing some grey sweats with me, I'm gonna run up those stairs, turn around at the top, raise my fist in the air and yell, "Stellllaaaa!! Stellllaaaa!!!!" Man, that Rocky sure loved his wife.

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